Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Flying Baby!!

One sure way to get Corinne to laugh and smile is to do the flying baby with her. I'm not sure why, but it seem like all babies like this.

This cute little outfit was made by the talented Melissa Harvey. Thanks Melissa! If anyone wants to see more of her stuff check out her blog. She does some really cute stuff. http://themudpuddleproject.blogspot.com/ .


  1. Corinne is so wonderfully fat! I love it! Can't wait to meet her in person and I'm sure Aaron will want to see the 'Texas' (me too). She is just darling.

  2. How is it possible that she looks like Atticus?!? Nature vs. nurture, I suppose! She looks so cute and happy! And I could tell Melissa made this dress . . . she makes the best stuff!

  3. Super cute baby in a super cute dress!
